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- About Fujee
- History
- 2016.
- 11 - Selection as the Inno-Biz
- 06 - Established R&D laboratary
- 2015.
- 11 - Selection as the MAIN-BIZ
- 2014.
- 12 - Registration of the partner of 4 companies other than Samsung C&T
- 08 - Registration by the Korea Facility Construction Association (Chungnam Boryeong 2008-10-02)
- 02 - Relocation of Fujee Industrial Headquarters
- 2013.
- 05 - Certification of Quality Management System(ISO 9001:2008)
- 05 - Certification of Healthy Building Material(The highest grade)
- 2011.
- 03 - Relocation of Factory(976-12 Geumsan-ri, Wagwan-eup, Chilgok, North Gyeongsang Province)
- 2009.
- 04 - Design and patent registration of door frames and panel accesorries for clean room
- 2008.
- 11 - Certification of ISO 9001:2000 / KSA 9001:2001
- 2007.
- 12 - Registration of Specialty Construction license
- 10 - Company Division(Fujee Industrial)